Making a thriller film...
-Develop a plot idea - Writing ALL ideas
-Location Recces - photos - Outside and Inside
-Character profiles - who are the characters going to be?
-Actors - audition
-Source music - royalty free
-Foley sound effects - or free sound effects
-Transport - logistical side
-Props - what will be needed? Can I get them for free?
-Equipment list
-Risk assessment
-Costume and make up - plans
-Storyboard - every shot
-Shot list
-Titles - planned
-Scene - production plan
Initial Ideas
I have researched the codes and conventions of a variety of thriller films for Unit 4 Learning Aim A. I found that it is conventional for a crime thriller to have the crime happen at the start of the film which means the opening of the film is the crime happening which is a bank robbery.
Claude Levi Strauss + Binary Oppositions
This theory reinforces that a narrative conventionally has a hero and a villain. The hero and the villain would be completely opposite of each other, for example in The Dark Knight Batman is always in a black costume blending in with the shadows wheras the villain The Joker he is always seen in bright coloured clothing and doesn't want to blend in as he wants the world's attention.
Media Character Profile planning
We need to make character profiles so the actor of the character knows how the character would act in situations in those scenes including within our thriller opening.
Potential Film title + Potential font
This is our potential film title as well as our potential font as we have thought about the title being named after the location the opening is being filmed in.
Our potential film title + potential font
We have decided to show our location of where we're filming in the film poster, our font and title has stayed the same throughout the planning phase.
Our Finance Plan
In our finance plan we have included what we will consider with our budget and what would cost
Audience Research
Equipment / Costume plan
We have to make sure that our costumes are planned and the equipment we use is identified in our planning just in case we decide to use additional parts of filming equipment.